Indonesia's Economy Amidst COVID-19 - What Singapore Businesses Should Know
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This webinar from GlobalConnect@SBF held on 5 June 2020 provides key insights into Indonesia’s post-COVID-19 economy as well as updates on business opportunities and trends for Singapore businesses.
Mr Mulya Amri, Director of Research, Katadata Insight Center, Mr Amal Ihsan, Managing Editor,, and Mr Jimmy Yap, Partner, CNPLaw LLP, presented useful insights of data analysis of the economic linkage between Singapore and Indonesia. Panellists Mr Farid MN, Founder and CEO of PT FaridMN Asia Mandiri and Mr Pang Xue Kai, CEO of PT. TokoCrypto, were also shared their opinions on Indonesia’s post-pandemic economy.
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The Singapore Business Federation (SBF), in partnership with Enterprise Singapore, has set up GlobalConnect@SBF to be the partner for Singapore companies looking to expand overseas. With a focus on ASEAN, frontier and emerging markets, FTA education and outreach, and markets along the Belt and Road, GlobalConnect@SBF supports companies’ business expansion plans to new markets. It is available to both SBF and non-SBF members.
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Credit: GlobalConnect@SBF