Discovering Tianjin
This is a selection of resources on Tianjin available from the NLB catalogue or the Internet and is not meant to be an exhaustive list.
NLB print and digital resources
Chinese heritage in the making : experiences, negotiations and contestations
This book features a chapter that provides some background information on Tianjin’s history. It explains how the ‘Italian-Style Exotic District’ in Tianjin has gone from being perceived negatively to being re-interpreted as valuable to Tianjin in its city branding now.
All rights reserved, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2018.
This research paper investigates whether the Tianjin Eco-city is indeed an example of sustainable urban development, providing examples of both its successes and limitations. The eco-city is compared to other examples found in France and the rest of Europe.
Retrieved from JSTOR. myLibrary ID is required to access this database.
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White paper on environment for investment in Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area
This comprehensive publication by Deloitte provides an overview of Tianjin and its Economic-Technological Development Area. It describes the government policies and services available to businesses, as well as the business collaboration environment, infrastructure, human resources and living environment conditions in the metropolis.
This online magazine provides the latest updates on the economy and related social changes both in Tianjin and China as a whole.
This is an official website of the Tianjin Port Free Trade Zone.
Best-performing cities: China 2018
This report provides an overview of China’s economic development landscape and describes its best-performing cities, including Tianjin. Key statistics and reasons for Tianjin’s growth are also provided.
From red to green: Let a hundred eco-cities blossom: the case of Tianjin Eco-city
This thesis presents a holistic approach to study how and to what extent the Tianjin Eco-city contributes to urban sustainability in China. This involves using environmental studies to analyse the negative impacts of human action (such as pollution and waste production) on the city as well as development studies which look at the living well-being and equality of residents. It then applies social sciences, namely using the disciplines of sociology and psychology to study human behaviour and to examine how interactions between institutions and humans affect the progress of urban sustainability.
Last updated on Oct 2020